Preston Singletary working in his studio

In 2013, Michael Kleven and Elke Hautala both graduated from film school. They both dreamed of not only creating beautiful images but of utilizing the power of visual media to create social impact. They both wanted to make a difference in the world by sharing the stories of others. Through a mutual connection, who played an important role in both of their lives, they were introduced to Tlingit glass artist Preston Singletary. A short film about the creation of his crystal family story totem followed called, “A Modern Creation Story”. Michael and Elke found a synergy between their complementary skills and soon after launched Heartstone Studios with the goal of creating more content that connects, entertains and educates. This was just the beginning of their path with Preston. After the short film they realized there was a much bigger story to tell. Everything began to fall into place when renowned producer John W. Comerford (Icons Among Us, The Wild, Wallflower) joined the team. With his guidance a vision began to evolve. It’s one that stretches back to the challenges of Preston’s Tlingit ancestors but also connects to the representation of indigenous work in the art world today. If you sit back and close your eyes for a moment you can almost hear the snap of sparks and feel the heat on your face. It’s the moment of alchemy when sand becomes glass and the spiritual becomes visible — this is the realm of Visions in the Fire. Join the team here for ongoing updates and watch the film come to life.